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And there are several ways to get help too.
Star spacy-cleaner on GitHub¶
You can "star" spacy-cleaner on GitHub (clicking the star button at the top right) ⭐️
By adding a star, other users will be able to find it more easily and see that it has been already useful for others.
Watch the GitHub repository for releases¶
You can "watch" spacy-cleaner in GitHub (clicking the "watch" button at the top right) 👀
There you can select "Releases only".
By doing it, you will receive notifications (in your email) whenever there's a new release (a new version) of spacy-cleaner with bug fixes and new features.
Connect with the author¶
You can connect with me, Cellan Hall, the author.
You can:
- Follow me on GitHub.
- See other Open Source projects I have created that could help you.
- Follow me to see when I create a new Open Source project.
- Follow me on Twitter.
- Tell me how you use spacy-cleaner.
- Follow me on Linkedin.
- Hear when I make announcements or release new tools.
Create a Pull Request¶
You can contribute to the source code with Pull Requests.
Thanks! 🚀